>Uncle Amedeo Re turns 100!

Elizabeth Re & Amadeo Re

Elizabeth Re celebrates the 100th birthday of her uncle, Amedeo Re

Elizabeth is concerned that we are not caring for our pensioners who have cared for us and if elected, this will be one of the items on her agenda.

Pictured here with her Uncle, Amedeo Re who was raised in Northbridge, turned 100 on the 2 February 2010 and celebrated with 148 close relatives in Perth, Elizabeth feels a strong connection with the older generation.

Her Uncle was one of the founders of the WA Italian Club 75 years ago.

Elizabeth’s grandparents came out 125 years ago from Italy (on one side) and 80 years ago from Scotland (on the other), pioneering the Australia we see today.

Elizabeth sees the importance of families, with elders living longer, we need to teach our children to grow up and respect the senior members of our community.