2025 WA Election Candidate


Elizabeth Re

“When one GOOD person stands up, GOOD people will follow, and GOOD things will happen.”

Elizabeth Re

“When one GOOD person stands up, GOOD people will follow, and GOOD things will happen.”

Thank you everyone for your support of me in elections and in the community.  I appreciate your comments and positive feedback on the tireless work I do for the community without fear or favour.  

I have been an elected as your local councillor since 2005 and so for nearly twenty years I have passionately been a strong advocate for our community and I have a GOOD record of getting things done.

If we work together the truth comes out and GOOD people will flourish and society and the environment, will be a better place in which to live and to raise our children.

Your endorsement of my motto is what keeps me going!

Elizabeth Re has a Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health) and a Graduate Diploma of Education, and a past Justice of the Peace and has completed the units of the Diploma in Local Government, Australia Institute of Company Directors and other professional courses.

Elizabeth has written and lectured on Sustainability, Climate Change and Waste Management at the Tertiary level and has presented papers at International, National and State conferences on topics such as Sustainability and Public Health issues.

Working for the State Government in Western Australia, Elizabeth has over thirty years of experience in Environmental Health, at both the Western Australian and Local Government levels.  She has also taught at Primary and High Schools in Western Australia and worked in the private sector.

Elizabeth Re Local Issues

  • Making stirling the most liveable and sustainable city
  • Putting the Community First and increasing community consultations
  • Police clearance for all Councillors
  • Increased security patrols and surveillance
  • Keep the historic name of Stirling for perpetuity
  • Promote our proud diverse multicultural community
  • Establish a proper permanent womens shed and facilities
  • Establish a new museum and art centre at stirling
  • Increase maintenance on our city owned buildings
  • Push for the development of SCC and HGP projects
  • Invest in city owned car parking facilities and accomodation
  • Reduce costs for seniors and families to acess city owned buildings
  • Improve our History and heritage collections and displays
  • Support local small businesses and increase our local procurement percentage
  • Reinstate the Youth advisory committee to engage our youth
  • Reinstate the heritage advisory committee to enhance our history
  • Improve our sustainability and waste management strategies
  • Regular monthly open house discussions with businesses, seniors, youth and the community on their needs and wants, to enable us to achieve the Best Liveable City

Elizabeth’s Hot Topics

  • The cost of PARKING at hospitals should be significantly reduced for both nurses and the public because this is a burden on people in times of distress and medical staff supporting those in need.
  • Increase in health and police services to address the alarming incidents and rates of workplace, community, domestic violence and those vunerable especially homeless people.
  • All BUS TOPS within the metro area and major roads within the State should have some form of shelter from climatic conditions and should have no smoking signs as a passive deterrent to those who choose to smoke in the interests of care and wellbeing.
  • That a light rail public transport system circumnavigating the metropolitan area should be incorporated into the transport plan to reduce the traffic congestion in the city, increase the mobility and diversity options of public transport users to reduce costs and improve transportability for tourists.
  • That the SAFETY OF SENIORS to access public transport and local services and facilities should be paramount for WA government agencies.
  • There should be an increase in health service providers such as nurses and social workers to all schools throughout the State to improve the health and mental health issues of students and families to allow teachers to teach and allow students to learn.
  • That the BULLYING and harassment in the public service needs to be investigated to ensure that good public servants are not being eroded by the system. WHISTLEBLOWERS should be treated with respect and compensated.
  • Amalgamations of LOCAL GOVERNMENT boundaries should be considered on a public mandate and not on a financial or political mandate.
  • The WA government honour its legislation and policies to ensure bush forever sites remain BUSHFOREVER to protect WA’s environment, wildlife, coastal beaches, and people.
  • The WA government legislate for THIRD PARTY APPEAL RIGHTS to ensure the public of WA has the right to consult and appeal developments in their backyard
  • Increase LOCAL manufacturing plants and support small businesses to create long term local JOBS and remove STAMP DUTY and PAYROLL TAX