Vision and Policies

>Elizabeth’s Vision for the Future

  • Expanding school community health nurses programs and social workers to support children and families (details below per #1)
  • Extending safer public transport services, particularly for seniors (details below per #2)
  • Reduced parking fees at public hospitals for staff, patients and visitors (details below per #3)
  • Creation of a magnificent “family friendly” ocean aquatic centre (details below per #4)
  • Supporting Local Environmental Issues (details below per #5)
  • Improving Road Safety (details below per #6)
  • Push for all bus stops to have some form of protective cover / shelter from the wind, heat and rain
  • Increase funding, tax rebates and support for Parents, Grandparents and those with Disabilities
  • Encourage higher Environmental Rebates – Particularly for solar and wind power
  • Improve Public Transport and build a monorail / light rail ( Circumnavigating the Metropolitan Area – Stirling City Centre, Hospitals & Universities )
  • Encourage and support Small Business and the reduction of  forms /  paper work
  • Support Western Australian – Made Products with rebates and tax concessions
  • Sewer Osborne Park and reuse the treated wastewater and reduce the ground water pollution effects
  • Provide funds for more  Recreational Facilities – Swimming Pool, Gym, Coastal Pool and Multi purpose stadiums
  • More funding for  School Health Nurses to diagnose child health issues and conduct regular screening
  • Push for the Transfer of Leave Entitlements between Federal, State and Local government employees
  • Provide funding for Youth and Multicultural Services
  • Reduce the HECS debt for students with no CPI or Interest
  • Support and encourage more Traineeships / Apprenticeships and Cadetships


Elizabeth Re Campaigning

“When one Good person stands up; Good people will follow and Good things will happen!” – Elizabeth Re.

>Elizabeth Re – Main Election Policies

My main election polices to focus on to support people are as follows:-

(1) Expanding school community health nurses programs and social workers to support children and families

I believe one of the reason we are experiencing such high levels of violence, bullying and harassment both in general society, the workplace and the school area is that there are not enough services given to children and staff in the school system that could assist with families in their roles in parenting and general life skills and this could over time change this offensive and damaging culture that is present in our society today.

I believe that teachers need more assistance in the school system to enable them to get on with the task of teaching! I have been advised at the moment there is around 2000 students for every school health nurse. How can the job be carried out effectively for all concerned with this unbalanced statistic?  If additional support services, through nurses, social workers, physiologists are able to assist teachers and parents and children in the early school years it would be very proactive method of addressing these detrimental traits in our society.

How can children learn if they have mental or physical issues preventing them from understanding the educational curriculum and how can teachers teach if they are spending most of their time addressing health issues and not educational issues. And the parents need support to assist the teachers in breaking the circle so that their own parenting and life style skills will improve and those of their children will flourish in an optimum environment and this would be a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach which would cost the government less money in the long run and would be a welcomed assistance by all concerned.

Additional health services need to be provided for families to enable them to effectively juggle finances and workplace commitments with the task of parenting; social issues such as drug and alcohol usage; self esteem issues associated with bullying and harassment just to mention a few.

I am very concerned that the family and traditional values of our Australian society are being lost and believe that one of the most undesirable changes has been attributed to the increase in domestic violence which has a long lasting affect on our children. Another sides of this is the bullying culture that has developed and if not addressed in the home and the school then it could develop into work place bullies and then eventually back into home bullies and the circle of family violence continues and this can erode society values.

(2) Extending safer public transport services, particularly for seniors

Mobility of people is paramount in all resilient societies and the need to have this personal and business mobility paralleled to accessibility, affordability and safety is important.

There is a serious need to look at our traffic congestion, especially at peak times, in the metropolitan area that is contributing to too many accidents, roads deaths and road rage.

Transportation is subconsciously in our minds every day whether it is going to work, going to shop, going to play sport or just visiting someone. We need to think twice on how we take this basic action for granted, as our fuel costs are rising and our precious resources are being depleted and with the increase in traffic, driving can become a challenge but should not prevent people from traveling from A to B.

Education is the key role: There is a need to change the way people move from place to place to encourage better health. People of all ages need to be able to safely and easily walk, gofer, push a pram, wheelchair etc or cycle for at least short trips and they also need to feel safe to do so in our ever changing world!

The cost of petrol could be a driver of change, however for the corporate world this is not an issue (although it should be) but may change with the implications of taxes like the Carbon and Mining Tax has on business processes and finances.

In order to address the affects of urban sprawl, carbon pollution, road carnage and the increasing cars etc on the road I believe we could build a monorail /light rail lines, that is a RELINE circumnavigating the Perth CBD, this would not only serve as an excellent transport mobility alternative but also would be an excellent method of showcasing the wonders of Perth from the City of Perth Skyscrapers, to Kings Park, to the wonders of our hills and to our magnificent beaches which would definitely be a tourist delight, all from the comfort of sustainable carriage.

The RELINE would be above the road in some parts, connecting in with businesses and accommodation making it safer to utilize and more economical to build. It can be powered by solar and wind power to achieve the guidelines of the state governments sustainability policy.

This line could proceed west from the Glendalough train station via Scarborough beach Road to Scarborough beach, then head north to Reid Highway, then east along Reid Highway to Roe Highway, to the airport and then west along Leach Highway to Leighton Beach and then north along the beach front back to Scarborough Beach.

Completing a transport circle around the City that allows intersection (stations) to connect with exiting major transport nodes ( such as the Fremantle, Midland, Armadale, Mandurah, and Joondalup train lines and the Mitchell, Kwinana and Great Eastern Highway etc), thus allowing a flexible and accessible public transport model with the airport and the beach as highlights.

By building this RELINE in stages  and the first being form the airport to the existing midland line, the revenue from the passengers can then contribute to the next stages until the whole line has been constructed. Other links / spurs can then be connected at various points from the RELINE to universities, the hospitals and Ellenbrook , allowing a proper connectivity to the people of Perth by enhancing their mobility  and travel options.

More information is included on my sustainable transport strategy RELINE,( REcyclable products; REnewable energy; REcharging batteries; RElieve the pressure on our REsources; REjuvenate the public transport system; ) is a separate document.

(3) Reduced parking fees at public hospitals for staff, patients and visitors

One of the reason I have committed to reducing the cost of parking at hospitals was listening to many people complain about the increase in the parking fees and I experienced the costs myself after attending Charles Gardiner hospital for different relatives on a regular basis over the last month and at $18.50 for over 5 hours parking it certainly adds to the pocket and I know of lots of people who have spoken to me and have taken their friend or relative to hospital in a hurry the last thing they want is look for money for the meter and also it can be difficult to find the extra money especially when they are pensioners, seniors, disabled, single parents etc.

When people are very sick, then time is of an essence and so travelling by public transport is often not an option and may result in their health being compromised if there is a delay in obtaining medical assistance!

Also in most cases you have to pay to park outside in the heat, which also adds to the stressful situation and you don’t have a choice where to park so they are putting money ahead of health, especially when people are most vulnerable!

The added issue for staff especially for those who work part time, who could pay around $5,200 for parking in a year just for parking and this will make a difference to their living, disposable income and additional work place stress and may deter people from working in the hospitals.

I also do not believe in paid parking at the beach or shopping centres either as I am sure councils could source some of the funding for the car parks from developer contributions.

Another consideration could involve the restriction on the parking times (although in a hospital you know you have to wait) but with the beach and shopping centres that could be possible.

It could be explored if a portion of the revenue from the petrol tax could go towards car parks and public transport, after all the same people are already paying money above the actual cost of the petrol every time they fill up and that money could be directed into supporting those who utilize this mode of transport.

If the public transport system was improved and was more flexible and safer then this would reduce the need for people to use the car parks, but in the mean time there is not much choice in safe and flexible pubic transport especially if you are working shift work and need to travel in an emergency situation to obtain medical assistance.

(4) Creation of a magnificent “family friendly” ocean aquatic centre

I believe that there is a need for a swimming pool at the beach, and Scarborough is a good locality for it to be established as it would be easily accessible by public transport and there are many other facilities at the beach including accommodation, not to mention that it is listed world wide as a tourist destination and home of the Surf Life Saving championships.

The proposed pool could be similar in design to the ocean pool at Bondi Beach in Sydney or the indoor sea water pool like at St Kilda Sea Baths in Melbourne which have been hugely successful not only for the local public but also for the increasing number of tourists. Also the fresh sea water pools have many health benefits above those of the chlorine associated indoor swimming pools.

The establishment of a pool at the beach will be in the interest of safety of swimmers at the beach, will provide an activity for the beach front, could discourage anti social behaviour, could reduce fear for people swimming at the beach, could provide a safe place for swimming for tourists, could provide a safer and more acceptable place to swim for people with disabilities and for the aged and the very young and also can provide an alternative safe swimming venue for when the National Surf Life Saving competition comes to Perth in 2014 and other events such as the Iron Man and Indian Ocean Classic come to Perth.

Over the years many state government spokespersons and politicians have made comments about the potential of having a swimming pool at the beach in the interest of public safety especially in view of shark attacks, tourist safety and also the general public recreational benefits for health, care and well being.

I had submitted a motion to the City of Stirling Council in October 2012, to promote the ocean pool on the agenda. That the City of Stirling meets with the State Government with regard to shared funding for the support of a sea water pool at Scarborough Beach, as it would be in line with our strategic directives and is in the interest of encouraging good health and well being.

(5) Local Environmental Policy Issues

Elizabeth has been involved in Environmental and Health issues for all of her life. At Curtin University she gained a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health. Her current studies include completing a Doctorate in Sustainability at Curtin University. In her professional career, she has worked in the areas of Environmental Health and Sustainability, with her core focus being working towards sustainable practices and achieving environmental and heritage based objectives. Her stance on local environmental issues includes the following:-

*Stevenson Avenue and Stirling City Centre project

For over 16 years Elizabeth has been involved with the Stevenson Avenue and the Stirling City Centre project issues. Elizabeth was elected as Councillor of the City of Stirling with regard to her concerns over these issues, and the effect that this entire development would have on flora and flora in this area and the knock on effect to other species in adjoining areas. In addition to the impact that development can have on environmentally sensitive areas, also to be considered is the care and well being of people, not just those who live in close proximity to the site. For more information on the environmental plans for the area regarding the Stirling City Centre project refer

*Benefits of a green corridor

Elizabeth believes we need a green corridor from as far north as Mirrabooka going down to the Swan River in Mosman Park, to allow the flora and fauna a free fall and also to allow people to able to walk a trail without having to go to drive to the country so they can enjoy nature at its finest! and with children to day it keeps them entertained and away from the violence on TV!

*Environmental Meetings and Committees

Elizabeth has attended many meetings to discuss the issue that there was no need for Stevenson to go through the Wembley Golf Course or go through Bold Park. She has been on the Herdsman Lake Advisory Committee for about 6 years, was on the Natural Environment Advisory Committee at Stirling for about 5 years, and was part of the WA Museum Frog Watch program for many years. All of these committees are involved around maintaining our local basic flora and fauna and ensuring that development does not come at a price of our historic and valued environment.

*Importance of our Lakes

Elizabeth is passionate about protecting the diversity of wildlife in and around our beautiful lakes with their wonderful recreation areas we are all fortunate to share. She has valued living for most of her life around Jackadder Lake in Woodlands, and nearby Herdsman Lake. Walks are a favourite around Lake Monger in Wembley. With lots of relatives who live near Floreat Park, she cherishes memories at Perry Lakes of family Sunday picnics, running in athletic carnivals and playing basketball. Elizabeth has been a personal witness to the transformation in improving the environment and will do all she can to help pass the benefits of our Lakes on to future generations.

*Friends of Bold Park Bushland

Elizabeth supports the good work of the Friends of Bold Park Bushland. These volunteers are committed to protecting Bold Park, a 437 hectares urban bushland in the suburb of City Beach. To see what good work they have been doing and to support this cause or join the group please check out their website for more information at:

*Save Jubilee Park

Elizabeth supports the saving of Jubilee Park in City Beach. The Park is an historic recreational area located where Oceanic Drive meets the Indian Ocean and covers 10 acres of land adjacent to City Beach. Established in 1951, the park is part of the old natural greening corridor and should be retained for its environmental significance for flora, fauna and the interests of the good health of people. Importantly, the Park is also of historical significance as it was used by the athletes in 1962 for the only Commonwealth Games that we have had in Western Australia. Given the recent loss of Perry Lakes stadium, Jubilee Park should be preserved for generations to remember the trials and triumphs of competition represented by this iconic site. To find out more information to support this cause, refer

*WA Gould League and the Herdsman Lake Wildlife Centre

Several years ago, Elizabeth was privileged to attend the 70th anniversary of the WA Gould League, and appreciate the great and significant work that this organisation, staffed by many volunteers, does in keeping Western Australia flora and fauna in particular alive and well! The WA Gould League manages the Herdsman Lake Wildlife Centre within the Herdsman Lake Regional Park. The Park itself is under the control of The Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM). The WA Gould League runs many educational and community programs including bird watching, the frog walk and night spider walks for the tough adventurer. The WA Gould League (Inc) is a non-profit, independent environmental organisation that enables people to understand, appreciate and protect the environment. The Western Australian Gould League was formed in 1939 with Charles Hadley, the then Director of Education as its first President. Membership quickly rose with over 18,000 school students becoming members by 1955. The WA Gould League has continued to maintain a strong relationship with Catholic, Independent and Department of Education schools, with over 7,500 students annually experiencing the environmental education programs provided by the WA Gould League. The WA Gould League continues to review the environmental education experiences to keep pace with current educational initiatives. The philosophy behind the activities is to provide outcomes-focused education packages that allow for different learning styles of students to cater for multiple intelligences. For further information to become a member, make a donation, or to volunteer, refer

(6) Improving Road Safety

In my time as a Councillor with the City of Stirling and the RAC WA, I have maintained a strong interest in and commitment to community road safety and the programs that seek to keep all road users safe. I support the work of the Road Safety Council of WA and the member agencies such as Main Roads WA, the Health and Education Departments, the Western Australian Local Government Association, WA Police, and the RAC WA in their efforts to reduce the human and financial cost of road injury to the community and the anguish it brings to all who are affected by this trauma. This is not easy work and sometimes falls short of keeping all members of the public satisfied. The unfortunately reality is that ‘safety costs’ in one way or another –either in time, finance or mobility. All of us can make a difference on the road by firstly taking greater personal responsibility for how we use the roads as drivers, riders, cyclists and pedestrians. Education is at the core of the development of responsible road users, which must then be supported by appropriate legislation and enforcement and the implementation of sound, responsible cost-effective road engineering measures. Ultimately we must strive for five star rated road users on five star rated roads, in five star rated vehicles. This should be the goal of all politicians, irrespective of party politics. It is my goal and one I will continue to work toward as an elected local member.

Although travel on our roads is much safer than it was back in the 1970’s thanks to many changes such as the introduction of mandatory seat belt wearing, drink driving legislation, automated speed enforcement, better roads and safe cars, we can and should do better. WA’s road fatality rate per head of population is the second worst in the country1. There are many things we can do to improve this. Firstly, I support the compulsory road safety education of children and youth in primary and secondary school. At present, road safety education is largely optional and relies on the individual commitment of schools and teachers to implement the programs developed by the School Drug Education and Road Aware team of the Education Department. I also support the introduction of ‘best practice’ in driver education and training through the Graduated Driver Training and Licensing program to help develop safer and better skilled drivers. WA’s training and licensing was introduced in 2002 and has undergone some modifications since then. However, it has not been evaluated for its effectiveness to determine how well it works and whether our young novices are safer and better skilled as we had hoped. Like all good road safety initiatives, the State’s training and licensing requirements must be based on sound and responsible scientific evidence.

Indeed the licensing of drivers is a major problem in WA. Too many of our drivers and motorcycle riders who are involved in crashes that cause death and injury do not hold a valid licence. This is of particular concern in the remote areas of WA where nearly 16% of drivers and riders involved in a fatal or hospitalisation crash 2005-2009 were not validly licensed2. Western Australia is a large state and must provide all eligible residents, irrespective of geography, with the opportunity to get and maintain a licence without unnecessary barriers to doing so.

Western Australia has a unique geography and in many ways its distance and isolation creates challenges in relation to maintaining safe roads and road users. Sadly, crashes in the non-urban areas of WA are more likely to cause injury, with road users who become involved in a crash in remote WA five times more likely to be killed than those who crash in metropolitan Perth2. Clearly so much more needs to be done on our remote area roads and for our remote area road users to help keep them safe.


  1. Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE). (2012). Road deaths Australia, 2011 statistical summary. BITRE, Canberra ACT.
  2. Palamara, P., Kaura, K., Fraser, M. (2013). An investigation of serious injury motor vehicle crashes across metropolitan, regional and rural Western Australia. Perth, Western Australia. Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre. RR 09-001.