Elizabeth Re,
Cr. B.Sc. Grad. Dip. Ed. FEHA MAICD
Western Australia
National Ambassador for the Year of Women in Local Government 2010
Elizabeth Re has a Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health) and a Graduate Diploma of Education, and a past Justice of the Peace and have completed the units of the Diploma in Local Government and other professional courses.
Elizabeth has written and lectured on Sustainability, Climate Change and Waste Management at the Tertiary level and has presented papers at both International and State conferences on topics such as Sustainability and Public Health issues.
Working for the State Government in Western Australia, Elizabeth has over thirty years of experience in Environmental Health, at both the Western Australian and Local Government levels. She has also taught at Primary and High Schools in Western Australia.
Elizabeth is the first President of the Football Hall of Fame WA and opened in WA the first football / soccer museum in Australia.
The first woman to be appointed as a Principal Health and Building Surveyor in Local Government in Western Australia and Elizabeth was the first female to be appointed as a Health and Meat Officer in State Government in Western Australia and in Australia.
Since 2005 Elizabeth has been a Board Member of The City of Stirling (as a Councillor) and was the seventh female Councillor elected onto the City of Stirling in its 132-year history. She was also on the executive committee of the National Council of Women (WA) and was elected as a Member of the RAC Council for over 12 years and has received a number of recognitions for her community service, including the Stirling Youth Appreciation Certificate in 2007, and the Neighbourhood Watch Gold Award recipient in 2006. Elizabeth has been a nominee for Australian of the Year, Western Australian Citizen of the Year, and the Australian Telstra Business Woman of the Year. Elizabeth is well recognised for her service to the community.
Elizabeth has started many groups for women and families over the years from the Ninitirri Centre in country WA to the State Health Department’s ” Women’s Interest Network “. In 2010, Elizabeth had the privilege of being named as one of the Australian National Ambassadors for the Year of Women in Local Government 2010.
Elizabeth for her support of women in the local and state government workplace and public health has been awarded Fellow of Environmental Health Australia and Life Member of the Australian Local Government Womens Association WA.
Born in Mount Lawley, Elizabeth has lived most of her life in Woodlands. She is a local girl who grew up in the world of Local Government, with her father Julius Re being a Councillor at the City of Perth. Elizabeth was taught from an early age the value of citizenship and making a difference to improve our community and has personally dedicated many years as a strong and passionate voice, spending a lot of time working in and visiting regional areas of Western Australia. Elizabeth Re was elected as the seventh female councillor at the City of Stirling WA and continues to be re-elected.