>Elizabeth shares her vision for young people

Elizabeth Re & Sarah Solich

Elizabeth Re is pictured with Sarah Solich from Dianella at the WOW Event in Forrest Chase, 2010

Elizabeth has a vision for our young people.  She recognises that they have a lot they can give to the community if we positively engage them.

Pictured here with Sarah Solich from Dianella, Elizabeth enjoyed working with Sarah at the WOW presentation in Forrest Chase.

Elizabeth met Sarah at the Princesses in Petticoats & Pearls event hosted by Women Can International Inc at The Lily of the Valley Cafe in Henley Brook in March 2010.  Since then, Sarah has been getting more involved in supporting community events and was at WOW helping Kath Mazzella OAM from GAIN Inc (Gynaecological Awareness Information Network) to spread Sexual and Gynae Health Awareness information in the community.

Elizabeth and Sarah both enjoyed the event and discussed the level of support for young people.

Elizabeth sees the cost of education as ever increasing and feels that the HECS Debt needs to be reduced, more services for students provided and the HECS CPI abolished.

Having raised two sons and seeing them both through University Degree programs, Elizabeth understands that education is important and very costly and would like to see our young professionals less burdened financially as they begin their careers.

Elizabeth Re has also served on the City of Stirling Youth Advisory Committee and has a vision for young people and a good understanding of the challenges they face.