Elizabeth attending the 2025 Fringe World Opening Party at The Pleasure Garden, Russell Square, Northbridge, including with the Premier of Western Australia Roger Cook, Minister for Culture and the Arts Hon David Templeman MLA, and Deputy Premier of WA Hon Rita Saffioti MLA. After Edinburgh, and Adelaide, Perth’s Fringe Festival is now the third largest Fringe Festival in the world.

Elizabeth Re supporting Perth Glory Football Club at HBF Park, Perth, hoping for success in the 2025 season

Presentation by City of Stirling Councillor Elizabeth Re of the well-deserved Sterling Stirling Award to Fran Gordon, President of Stirling Players at the Innaloo Theatre, and Promo for Stirling Players “Matriarchs, Mischief and Mayhem” playing in February 2025

Fringe World exclusive Program Launch at Hay Street Mall Rooftop Venue with Georgia Clark Artrage Head of Partnerships and Philanthropy, Elizabeth Re, “Rose”, and David and Betsy Finch visiting from USA

Launch of the 2025 Perth Festival at Forrest Place, with Hon. Libby Mettam, Elizabeth Re, and Marina Woodhouse Head of Development for the Perth Festival

Following the Friendly at Perth’s Optus Stadium where visiting Roma 5 won against AC Milan 2, here a couple of scenes with players and fans at the “Little Italy Festival” hosted at the WA Italian Club, Dorrien Gardens, and “Azzurri” Perth Soccer Club

Encouraging the West Coast Eagles at Optus Stadium, hoping they will fly to great heights again, like their mascot Auzzie, the wedge-tailed eagle

Launch at the Maylands Historical and Peninsula Association of their Digital Mapping Project, with Keith Cundale MHPA President, Jeremy Edwards CEO City of Bayswater, Sue Cundale MHPA Secretary, Hon. Lisa Baker MLA Member for Maylands, Elizabeth Re, and Filomena Piffaretti Mayor City of Bayswater

At the Italian Festival in Perth on the Swan River foreshore, acknowledging the 60th anniversary of the Laguna Veneto Bocce Club, with relatives, and viewing the impressive Ferraris with the happy accordion entertainer Frank Miranda

At the end of the interesting and funny “Perth Secrets, Scandals, and Hidden History Tour” with Famous Sharron, during Perth’s Fringe World Festival, with Greg Benjamin and Elizabeth Re