2025 WA Election Candidate


Elizabeth Re


Fundraising Project for St Brigid’s Church Conservation Project

Saint Brigid’s Church Northbridge  – Conservation Project

This project is being presided over by Patron – His Grace Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey and the Parish Priest – Father Alfonsas Savakis, who have approached Elizabeth Re to assist with the fundraising.

St Brigid’s Church in Aberdeen Street Northbridge, Perth, Western Australia, is a heritage-listed Roman Catholic Church.St Brigid's Church

In 1901, the parish of St Brigid’s was established; Monsignor Bourke was the first parish priest. The Sisters of Mercy nuns provided access to the school buildings for church services, but this was inconvenient to constantly re-arrange everything as the school population grew, as more people moved into the district so a committee was formed to raise funds for the building a church and a presbytery.

In 1902, the presbytery was built facing Aberdeen Street. In February 1904, the plans had been drawn up for the church itself and the foundation stone was laid in May 1904. The church was built on the corner of Fitzgerald Street and Aberdeen Street and was officially opened on Sunday 5 February 1905, attracting a multi demographic parishioners

In 1991, the church precinct was classified by the National Trust of Australia.

The church is built in Federation Gothic style with seating for 400 people. There is a large rose lead light window over the main entrance.St Brigid's Church

The church bell is from England and the roof is made of Green Welsh slate.

In 2004 to reinvigorate the Northbridge area and increase the residential component the Church as taken on a new life and coupled with new families and those who have come back to Saint Brigid’s for church services (marriages etc).

The estimated cost of this conservation is $2 million and it is hoped through the support of the families, who have in the past attended the Church, over its 108 year old history, that the restoration will be complete and celebrated at the Church after the feast day of Saint Brigid’s on the 21 January 2013.

Direct donations can be made into National Trust of Australia (WA) bank account: Bank West BSB 306-089 Account number 418932-9

W are going to establishment a memorial wall to raise funds for the restoration and we invite parishioners to be part of Saint Brigid’s heritage by donating through purchasing a plaque which will be erected onto a brick in the wall near the Church as a permanent reminder of their own personal significance to this Saint Brigid’s Church community. This plaque will include your own personal message of up to 42 characters at a cost of $500 a plaque.St Brigid's Church Windows

 The plaque donation can be made into the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth Saint Brigid’s Church account, Westpac BSB 036 004. Account number 791131

Various activities are planned for the fund raising, if you would like to assist or doante please contact Jan at the parish office for additional information on 9227 7956 or email St.brigid.nb@perthcatholic.org.au   and Elizabeth Re lizre@bigpond.net.au