City of Stirling Notice of Motion
During Elizabeth Re‘s many years of service as a City of Stirling Councillor, Elizabeth has been very active in supporting a multitude of community issues. These have been evidenced by the Notices of Motion submitted by Elizabeth, at the regular council meetings. Many of these, more than one hundred, are listed below.
For further details of City of Stirling Council Meetings agendas and minutes, go to:-
Council Resolution 1220/015
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Farrelly
That City Officers INVESTIGATE the provision of a sports stadium, museum and music/performing arts venue as part of the community infrastructure needs assessment being undertaken for the Stirling City Centre in the 2021 / 2022 financial year.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/4).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Farrelly, Hatton, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Against: Councillors Ferrante, Lagan, Migdale and Sandri.
17/11/20: OSPREY BREEDING AND SURVIVAL Agenda Item 14.4
Council Resolution 1120/038
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Farrelly
That the City WRITES to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions seeking feedback on the following:-
•Whether there are any current issues facing Osprey breeding grounds within the City of Stirling and their survival along the coastline;
•If a potential increase in developments is expected to impact upon their ability to breed and survive; and
•Measures that have been or can be taken to ensure the survival of their species within the City of Stirling.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (15/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Farrelly, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Council Resolution 1020/021
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Caddy
That the establishment of an artificial reef at Brighton Beach, or another part of the City of Stirling coastline, is CONSIDERED as part of the wider ‘Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning’ process being undertaken over the next two years.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (14/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Farrelly, Ferrante, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
28/07/20: DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAM Agenda Item 14.1
Council Resolution 0720/030
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Sandri
That a report be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 1 September 2020 with regard to the potential of the City of Stirling supporting a drug awareness program.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (13/0).
For: Councillors Farrelly, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Council Resolution 0720/031
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Sandri
That a review of the City of Stirling Procurement Policy be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 18 August 2020 detailing methods of sourcing at least 50% products and services from within the City of Stirling.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (13/0).
For: Councillors Farrelly, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Farrelly
That Council APPROVES the tabling and recording of all Notices of Motion and Motions submitted by Councillors on a database available on the City of Stirling website to enable both officers and the public to easily search intentions by Council.
The motion was put and declared LOST (5/10).
For: Councillors Farrelly, Re, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Against: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Sandri and Sargent.
During the debate, Councillor Karen Caddy foreshadowed the following motion.
Council Resolution 0620/014
Moved Councillor Caddy, seconded Councillor Proud
That the proposed database of Elected Member motions be INCLUDED for consideration at the Elected Member workshop for the ‘Questions on the Record’ proposal.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (15/0).
Council Resolution 0620/015
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Sandri
That a report be PRESENTED to a future meeting of Council, on the current percentage of goods and services purchased within and outside the City and outlining the potential and practicalities of amending the City of Stirling procurement practices to ensure the City purchases at least 50% of its goods and services from within the City of Stirling businesses.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (15/0).
Council Resolution 0520/024
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Spagnolo
1.That Council NOTES the report on the planning for celebrations of the City of Stirling’s Golden Jubilee, the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Shire of Perth and the 150th anniversary of the formation of the old Perth Road Board.
2.That Council CONSIDERS listing a budget of $10,000 for the 2020/2021 financial year for the staging of a Photographic History Exhibition that will rotate throughout the City during the 2021.
3.That Council CONSIDERS listing a budget of $10,000 for the 2021/2022 financial year for the commissioning of an artwork that celebrates the City of Stirling’s Golden Jubilee, the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Shire of Perth and the 150th anniversary of the formation of the old Perth Road Board and will be produced in late 2021.
4.That Council APPROVES appropriate resources from within the directorate on the celebration of the history of the City of Stirling’s Golden Jubilee, the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Shire of Perth and the 150th anniversary of the formation of the old Perth Road Board from 1 July 2020 until 31 December 2020.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (15/0)
26/05/20: 2021 WETLANDS CONFERENCE Agenda Item 14.2
Council Resolution 0520/025
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Caddy
That the City WRITES to the Wetlands Conference Steering Committee seeking feedback regarding its intentions for the hosting venue for the 2021 Wetlands Conference event.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (14/0).
Council Resolution 0420/010
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Caddy
1.That a Heritage Assessment of Lot 1, House Number 331, West Coast Drive, Trigg is NOT UNDERTAKEN at this time.
2.That Lot 1, House Number 331, West Coast Drive, Trigg be CONSIDERED as part of a report to a future Planning and Development Committee meeting outlining criteria to allow Council to determine which properties should be included on the Heritage List and to consider associated community consultation.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (15/0).
Council Resolution 0320/026
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Thornton
That a report be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee or Council no later than October 2020 identifying the location, type and access arrangements of public toilets throughout the City of Stirling, including a comparison with the City’s Public Open Space Strategy provision standards to identify priorities for Council that will improve both sporting club and community accessibility.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (10/0).
Moved Councillor Re
That the City CONTINUES to provide all strategic documents to the Heritage Advisory Group for its consideration.
The motion LAPSED for want of a seconder.
Reason for Alternative Recommendation – The City consults with the Heritage Advisory Group with respect to any review proposed to the City’s Character Retention Guidelines, in line with the Terms of Reference. It is the role of Council to decide if a review of the Character Retention Guidelines is required
Notice of Motion Recommendation – That Council REFERS all recommendations for review of the City’s Heritage Design Guidelines, and any other Heritage related applications, to the City of Stirling Heritage Advisory Group for consideration and comment prior to the item being referred to Council, to ensure both local experts and community persons, and City of Stirling experts, can rationalize their views and provide Council with more information on the items raised.(Suggested Alternative Recommendation)
Council Resolution 0220/031
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Thornton
That the City SUBMITS the draft corporate Energywise City Plan 2020-2030 to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 3 March 2020.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/3)
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Farrelly, Hatton, Perkov, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Against: Councillors Ferrante, Lagan and Proud.
Council Resolution 0220/032
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Thornton
That the City includes an action in the draft Community Energy Plan 2020-2030 to INVESTIGATE the potential to support electric vehicle uptake and provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for the Stirling community.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (14/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Farrelly, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent, Spagnolo, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
19/11/19: THREE BIN SYSTEM COST AND RECYCLING RECOVERY RATES Agenda Item 13.1 (refer 10/09/19 Agenda Item 14.2)
Council Resolution 1119/028
Moved Councillor Caddy, seconded Councillor Proud
That Council NOTES the information provided relating to the Three Bin System cost and recycling recovery rates.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/3).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Hatton, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Sandri, Sargent, Thornton and Mayor Irwin.
Against: Councillors Farrelly, Re and Spagnolo.
10/09/19: THREE BIN SYSTEM COST AND RECYCLING RECOVERY RATES Agenda Item 14.2 (refer 19/11/19 Agenda Item 13.1)
Council Resolution 0919/027
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Spagnolo
That a report be PREPARED for the Council meeting to be held 19 November 2019 outlining the individual cost and the recycling recovery rates of each of the three bin system.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (13/0).
30/07/19: WASTE COLLECTION HOURS Agenda Item 14.3
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Perkov
That the City of Stirling ADVISES their own collection staff, and all other operators that collect both domestic and commercial waste within the City of Stirling, that waste is not to be collected prior to 7.00am from Monday to Saturday, and not on Sunday at all.
The motion was put and declared LOST (2/10).
For: Councillors Perkov and Re. Against: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Proud, Sandri, Sargent and Spagnolo.
Council Resolution 0719/044
Moved Councillor Caddy, seconded Councillor Italiano
1.That the City CONTINUES to conduct waste collection operations in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations1997 (amended 2010), and the City’s approved Noise Management Plan.
2.That the City CONTINUES to investigate noise complaints in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 (amended 2010), which includes appropriate enforcement action when deemed appropriate by designated City Officers.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (10/2).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Proud, Sandri, Sargent and Spagnolo.Against: Councillors Perkov and Re.
Council Resolution 0719/045
Moved Councillor Boothman, seconded Councillor Sargent
That Item 14.4 -Notice of Motion -Councillor Elizabeth Re -Liquor Stores Within the City of Stirling be REFERRED to the Council meeting to be held 13 August 2019 to allow further information to be provided, including the number of liquor store approvals in the last year.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/0)
Council Resolution 0419/029
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Proud
That a report BE PRESENTED to a future Community and Resources Committee meeting in 2019, outlining projects related to change room upgrades to be considered for grant funding submission once details regarding the grant funding have been released.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent and Spagnolo.
Council Resolution 0419/030
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Perkov
That the City INVESTIGATES options to provide historical information to the community and visitors on the naming of City facilities, parks, reserves, memorials and places of significance, and PROVIDES a report on the outcomes to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 3 September 2019.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (10/1).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sargent and Spagnolo. Against: Councillor Sandri.
Council Resolution 0319/054
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Perkov
In reference to the Local Government Act Review Reference Group, that Council NOTES the composition of the current policy reference group for the reform of the Local Government Act 1995 excludes the public and Councillors and:- a. REQUESTS that the Minister of Local Government allows Councillors not nominated by WALGA and for members of the public to become involved at that level; and b. When the current process is finalised and legislation drafted, that it be REFERRED to a Parliamentary Committee / Reference Group to allow public hearings and input into the proposed Act.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (7/5).
For: Councillors Ferrante, Lagan, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri and Spagnolo. Against: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Irwin, Migdale and Sargent.
Council Resolution 0319/055
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Ferrante
1. That Council REVIEWS the traffic modifications proposed between Second Avenue and Carrington Street Mount Lawley before any work is undertaken to ensure the public concerns are considered and the proposed modifications do not contribute to increase rat running in the adjacent streets.
2. That a report, including the potential impact of the proposed modifications will have on the aligned streets, potential increase in traffic and the outcomes of the public consultation, be PRESENTED at the next Community and Resources Committee meeting.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/1).
For: Councillors, Caddy, Ferrante, Irwin, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent and Spagnolo. Against: Councillor Boothman.
26/03/19: WATER FOUNTAINS IN CLUBS Agenda Item 14.10
Council Resolution 0319/057
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Perkov
That a report be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 7 May 2019 providing the scope, cost and resource implications of including water fountains, air conditioners, cool rooms and heaters and make recommendations for their inclusion as part of the City’s annual maintenance program.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Irwin, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri, Sargent and Spagnolo.
Councillor Elizabeth Re submitted the following Notice of Motion prior to the Council Meeting held 12 March 2019:-“A report be PROVIDED to Council with regard to disability services within the City of Stirling and include issues such as the following:-
1.Current disability services provided by the City Of Stirling to their residents;
2.Number of City of Stirling employees and volunteers involved in disability services; and
3.How the City of Stirling will be involved in the role out of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as a provider etc. and financial implications etc
Council Resolution 0319/036
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Boothman
That Council RECEIVES the report on Disability Services within the City of Stirling and NOTES the Councillor workshop is scheduled to be held 25 March 2019.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri and Sargent.
12/03/19: ESTABLISHMENT OF A WOMEN’S SHED Agenda Item 14.4
Council Resolution 0319/037
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Proud
That the City UNDERTAKES a review of the need for a Women’s Shed in the City of Stirling (including consideration of Innaloo Sportsman Club or alternate facilities) and that a report be PRESENTED to the Community and Resources Committee meeting to be held 25 June 2019.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri and Sargent.
> 04/12/18: Questions on Notice Agenda Item 16.1
Councillor Elizabeth Re submitted the following questions prior to the Council meeting held 4 December 2018:
Q1.“Please advise the number of trees and street trees that have been planted by the City since 2014.”A1.In the five planting seasons since 2014, a total of 47,453 trees and street trees have been planted.
Q2.“Please advise the number of street trees that the City has planted on its own controlled street verges since 2014.” A2.In the five planting seasons since 2014, a total of 26,181 trees have been planted on street verges.
Q3.“Please advise the number of trees and street trees that have died, or been poisoned or removed on City controlled land since 2014.” A3.1,981 street treeshave died, or been removed for other reasons, since July 2015. (Please note that the Tree Removal Register commenced in July 2015.)
Q4.“Please advise the number of trees and street trees that have died, or been poisoned or removed on State Government land since 2014.”A4.State Government land that is not under the care and control of the City includes land for drainage, educational institutions, utilities, state roads and freeways, hospitals, police stations, State Government facilities, and regional bushland sites. State Government land within the City of Stirling is estimated at around 1700 hectares, or 17 million square metres. The City is not in control of trees on State Government land and therefore does not count existing trees or removed trees on that land type. Additionally, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has confirmed that the State Government does not count trees or have this data available, due to the time and expense that would be required to individually count every treeannually on land covering an area this large.
Q5.“Please advise the number of trees that were existing on the site and then the number of street trees that the City and / or JDAP approved to be retained and the number that are actually retained and growing on the following sites, where applicable:-5A -Doubleview Primary School Site Redevelopment 5B -Holy Rosary / Angelico Street / Regis development 5C -Churchlands High School site 5D -Jackadder Lake5E -Herdsman Lake region (City property)5F -Ewen Street site Woodlands (east end of Ewen Street) 5G -176 A, B, C, Cobb Street Doubleview.” A5.5D –Jackadder LakeThere are no known development approvals which have been approved, or are pending, over the Jackadder Lake Reserve. 5E –HerdsmanLake Region (City property) There are no known development approvals over the City lands that are commonly referred to as Herdsman Lake Reserve. In relation to questions 5A, 5B, 5C, 5F and 5G, this will require a thorough check of each Development Approval, and a review of the original survey plans and approved plans. Planning Officers will be required to conduct site visits of private and state owned properties to verify the original number of trees on site and the current number of retained trees, as compared to each approval. Resources will need to be allocated away from assessment of current applications to undertake a detailed review of each of the identified sites. It is not possible to undertake this research within the short amount of time available prior to the Council meeting held 4 December 2018. Following investigation, responses will be provided to these questions for inclusion in the agenda for the first Council meeting of 2019, which is to be held Tuesday 12 February 2019.
16/10/18: Options to permit trampolines and play equipment on verges, Agenda Item 14.3
Council Resolution 1018/028
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Sandri
1.That consideration for the placement of a trampoline and/or play equipment on a verge is INCLUDED as part of the consolidated review of the City’s Local Laws. 2.That a further report be PRESENTED to Council detailing the provision of a Policy outlining permissible verge treatments.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (6/5).
For: Councillors Guilfoyle, Irwin, Perkov, Re, Sandri and Spagnolo.
Against: Councillors Boothman, Italiano, Migdale, Proud and Sargent.
18/09/18: Reconciliation Action Plan to be publically advertised , Agenda Item 14.4
Councillor Elizabeth Re submitted the following Notice of Motion at the Council Meeting held on 4 September 2018:-
“That the Reconciliation Action Plan be APPROVED for the purposes of Public Advertising”.
Council Resolution 0918/037
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Boothman
That Council notes the Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2020 will be promoted publically in all City facilities and on the City of Stirling website.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (13/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Proud, Re, Sandri and Spagnolo.
21/08/18: Monthly Petition Status Report Update, Agenda Item 14.4
Council Resolution 0818/047
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Sandri
1.That Council RECEIVES a report submitted monthly to the Community and Resources Committee, with the following information to allow the public to see how their submitted petitions are to be tracked and the outcomes therein. The report tabled to show:-Name and preamble of Petition; Date petition submitted to Council/City of Stirling; Action -if referred to a committee/workshop etc if so date outcome -of petition (if Council resolution was required etc); and Date of completion of addressing the petition details.
2.This action is to be REVIEWED at the February 2019 meeting of Council, along with the report on the evaluation and uptake of the e-petition module.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/3)
For: Councillors Boothman, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Migdale, Perkov, Re, Sandri and Spagnolo.
Against: Councillors Caddy, Proud and Sargent
22/05/18: Street Tree Planting Policy, Agenda Item 13.1
Councillor Elizabeth Re submitted the following Notice of Motion for consideration at the next meeting of Council: “A report be provided to the Community and Resources Committee Meeting with regard to a review of the Street Tree Planting policy to address the application, complaints, requests, location and viability of the Street Tree Planting policy in its current format.” Reason for Motion: There has been an increase in the number of concerns and complaints by ratepayers and residents in their requests and objection for street trees and the locations therein.
04/07/17: Claremont Women’s Football Club Donation, Agenda Item 12.4
Council Resolution 0717/031
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Lagan
That the Innaloo Piranhas / Claremont Women’s Football Club be ALLOCATED $2,000 towardstheir 30 year foundation day presentation night in September 2017, with the funds going towards hiring a person to record the history and the events of the night including the memorabilia that will be provided depicting the 30 year history, of which a copy will be provided to the City of Stirling for their library in recognition of Innaloo Piranhas being one the inaugural women football teams in WA.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (8/3).
For: Councillors Boothman, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Jenkinson, Lagan, Re, Sargent and Tyzack.
Against: Councillors Caddy, Italiano and Proud.
21/03/17: Community Consultation, Agenda Item 12.1
Council Resolution 0317/042
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Tyzack
If any person provides a written submission on any item that the City of Stirling publically advertises that the said submitter be ADVISED in writing when the particular item comes to Council and Committee meetings for consideration.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Italiano, Jenkinson, Lagan, Proud, Re, Tyzack and Willox.
07/02/17: Annual Insurance Cover, Agenda Item 12.1
Council Resolution 0217/029
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Tyzack
That Council DEFERS consideration of the question of going out to tender to allow for more information to be provided, to fully acquaint Council with the points of difference of being part of a WA Local Government, not for profit self-insurance scheme versus commercial insurance and that a report be PRESENTED to the Council meeting to be held 11 April 2017.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (11/1).
For: Councillors Boothman, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Italiano, Lagan, Proud, Re, Sargent, Tyzack and Willox.
Against: Councillor Caddy.
06/12/16: Donation to the New Zealand Disaster Relief Centre, Agenda Item 12.1
Council Resolution 1216/024
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor ProudThat Council APPROVES a one-off donation of $5,000 to the New Zealand Red Cross.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (12/1).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Guilfoyle, Italiano, Jenkinson, Lagan, Michael, Proud, Re, Sargent, Tyzack and Willox.
Against: Councillor Irwin.
08/11/16: Waste Collection Charging to Community Groups, Agenda Item 12.1
Council Resolution 1116/011
Moved Councillor Re, seconded Councillor Tyzack
That a report be PROVIDED to Council with regard to the cost, the number of bins and the frequency of removal of waste bins from different community groups (such as Scouts, sporting and not-for-profit organisations, especially in view of one day cricket and football finals, or markets or festivals etc.).
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (8/4).
For: Councillors Guilfoyle, Irwin, Jenkinson, Lagan, Michael, Re, Tyzack and Willox.
Against:Councillors Caddy, Italiano, Proud and Sargent.
17/05/16: Review of Development Assessment Panels, Agenda Item 10.2/AP4
Council Resolution 0516/038
Moved Councillor Jenkinson, seconded Councillor Re
1.That Council ADVOCATES for the abolition of Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) on the basis that:-
a.DAPs, by means of their majority unelected membership, are not democratic bodies representing the ratepayers and accordingly do not reflect the aspirations or values of the community;
b.DAPs represent a significant erosion of planning powers by elected representatives who have been given a mandate by ratepayers to make these decisions; and
c.Some previous decisions made by the Metro North-West Joint Development Assessment Panel have gone well beyond the purpose, intent and application of relevant Local Planning Policies adopted by the City of Stirling;
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (10/3).
For: Councillors Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Jenkinson, Lagan, Michael, Re, Sargent, Tyzack and Willox.
Against: Councillors Boothman, Italiano and Proud.
05/04/16: New Associations Act – Clubs Forever Forum, Agenda Item 12.4
Councillor Elizabeth Resubmitted the following Notice of Motion at the Council meeting held 15 March 2016:-“That the City of Stirling ‘Clubs Forever’ section of the Community Development Directorate ORGANISE a forum, for the City of Stirling Clubs who may be influenced by the new changes to the Associations Act, which come into effect on 1 July 2016.”
Council Resolution 0416/019
Moved Councillor Tyzack, seconded Councillor Irwin
That the City of Stirling ‘Clubs Forever’ section of the Community Development Directorate ORGANISE a forum, for the City of Stirling Clubs who may be influenced by the new changes to the Associations Act, which come into effect on 1 July 2016.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (13/0).
For: Councillors Boothman, Caddy, Ferrante, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Italiano, Jenkinson, Lagan, Michael, Proud, Sargent, Tyzack and Willox
15/03/16: Review of Development Assessment Panels, Agenda Item 12.1
“That Council:
- ADVOCATES for the abolition of Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) on the basis that: a) DAPs, by means of their majority unelected membership, are not democratic bodies representing the ratepayers and accordingly do not reflect the aspirations or values of the community; b) DAPs represent a significant erosion of planning powers by elected representatives who have been given a mandate by ratepayers to make these decisions; and c) Previous decisions made by the Metro North West Joint Development Assessment Panel have gone well beyond the purpose, intent and application of relevant Local Planning Policies adopted by the City of Stirling; and
- ADVOCATES for consideration of the following reforms in the event that DAPs remains in place, to ensure greater accountability, transparency and procedural fairness for ratepayers through the Panel’s assessment and decision making processes: a) Abolishing the current opt-in mechanism which allows applicants to choose either the elected Councils or the DAP as the decision maker, and reinstating the minimum threshold for consideration of development applications by the DAP at $7 million and indexed annually; b) Requiring equal membership on the DAP between Local Government and Appointed Specialist members; c) Requiring the DAP to set the meeting date for consideration of the development applications no later than five business days after the application being received, to enable inclusion within the community consultation process; d) Requiring the DAP agenda and Local Government report and recommendation to be published no less than ten business days prior to the scheduled meeting date; e) Requiring a minimum of five business days between publishing the DAP agenda and the date by which ratepayers can make public presentations to the DAP, to provide more time to prepare a formal response; f) Mandating that respondents to the development application can nominate email or Australia Post as their preferred contact method for information, and requiring the Local Government to contact registered respondents throughout the process as deadlines are reached; g) Providing a public template for ratepayers to assist with the preparation of feedback as part of the community consultation process; h) Requiring any changes to a development application between the community consultation period and final proposal for decision by the DAP to be published on the Local Government’s website and to notify all respondents to the original community consultation of those changes; and i) Removing the need for the Local Government to obtain the applicant’s consent for further consultation or an extension of time to report the applicant’s development proposal to a DAP meeting for determination.”
Council Resolution 0316/048
Moved Councillor Michael, seconded Councillor Jenkinson
That the Item relating to Notice of Motion -Councillor Elizabeth Re -Review of Development Assessment Panels be REFERRED to the Planning and Development Committee meetingto be held 10 May 2016 to allow a Councillor workshop to take place.
The motion was put and declared CARRIED (9/0).
For: Councillors Caddy, Guilfoyle, Irwin, Jenkinson, Lagan, Michael, Proud, Re and Sargent.
31/03/15: Request to construct a footpath on Ellen Stirling Boulevard, Innaloo, Agenda Item 12.3
“That Council supports a footpath being constructed, at the earliest opportunity, on the eastern side of Ellen Stirling Boulevard to connect with the traffic lights on the corner of Ellen Stirling Boulevard and Oswald Street, Innaloo, as an integral part of the redevelopment of the Westfield Innaloo Shopping Centre”
The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
02/09/14: Women’s Changerooms and Facilities Workshop, Agenda Item 12.3
“That the City engage with the City of Stirling women‘s sport, recreation and community organisations to enable a specific stream to be included with the next Clubs Forever Get Ahead of the Game Club Development Forum in response to the issues identified”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/0).
19/08/14: Recycling Containers, Agenda Item 13.2
“That a report be provided to the November Community and Resources Committee meeting with regards to the City providing waste recycling containers for individual products such as bottles, glass, wood, newspaper, plastic, cans, etc on the City’s main reserves to encourage clubs and the community to use these containers for recycling and thereby reducing the usage of trucks on the road, improving waste recycling targets, reducing waste to landfill, reduce costs for all, thereby supporting the City of Stirling as the most sustainable recyclable local government council.”
20/05/14: That The City of Stirling supports the 100 years of Anzac in 2015, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a report be prepared for the August Meeting of the Community and Resource Committee on how the City of Stirling can support the 100 years of ANZAC in 2015”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/0).
18/03/14: Anti smoking messages for City events, Agenda Item 12.2
“That anti-smoking messages be included during marketing campaigns when promoting large scale events run by the City of Stirling”
The motion was put and declared carried (9/4).
> 04/03/14: Reinstating House Committee, Agenda Item 13.3
“That the House Committee be reinstated to allow a better forum for items not limited to civic issues, use of the Reception Hall, protocols, uniforms and style guide to be considered”.
10/12/13: Organise and promote a public meeting in relation to the latest proposals for the Local Government Reform and potential impacts – Woodlands Action Group and Woodlands Progress Association, Agenda Item 12.2
“That Council organise and promote, in conjunction with the Woodlands Action Group and Woodlands Doubleview Progress Association Inc, a public meeting to be held at the Doubleview Bowling Club, Doubleview in February 2014 to enable residents of Woodlands, Doubleview and Churchlands to debate and express their views on the latest proposals for Local Government Reform in relation to the potential impacts on City of Stirling communities”
The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
> 15/10/13: Implementation of the Stirling City Centre Project, Agenda Item 12.1
“That Council reiterates its previous resolution made on 21 May 2013 and write to the Minister for Planning outlining Council’s previous Resolution as follows:
- That Option 2 (Alliance with Delivery Group) be adopted as the preferred model for the delivery of the Stirling City Centre.
- In the event that Option 2 is not supported by the State Government then Option 3 (Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority) is Advocated for by the City as the preferred delivery option for the Stirling City Centre.”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/0).
03/09/13: Support for Dadour Provisions, Agenda Item 13.1
“That the City advise the Minister of Local Government that it supports the retainment of the Dadour provisions.”
> 09/07/13: Engage in formal dialogue with the State Government regarding the impact of the extensions of the Churchlands Senior High School and the affect on the residents / ratepayers, environment, traffic and general road safety, Agenda Item 13.2
“That the City of Stirling engage in formal dialogue with the State Government with regard to the impact of the extensions of the Churchlands Senior High School in Churchlands and the affect that it has on the residents/ratepayers in the community, the affect that this development will have on the environment (e.g. felling of trees, reduction in birdlife) and the increase in traffic and general road safety of the area.”
23/04/13: Bulk Waste Verge Collection, Agenda Item 12.1
1. That the Bulk Waste verge collection be continued as one (1) per year and that the green waste collection be increased to two (2) a year to be considered in the 2013/2014 budget.
2. That this change be reviewed in 12 months and a report of the results, issues and financials be included and presented to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee meeting to be held in July 2014.
3. That public consultation be carried out within this 12 month period and the results be included in a report to be presented to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee meeting to be held in July 2014.
The motion was put and declared lost (1/10).
19/03/13: Participation in the 5050 Vision, Agenda Item 12.1
“That the City of Stirling participates in the 5050 Vision through the National Awards and Accreditation Programs for Australian Local Government Councils, as the objectives below are in keeping with the Human Resources intentions in the Councils strategic plan and make good business sense with regard to our employees and employment opportunities:
5050 Vision Award Objectives
• Determine and agree on corporate goals and initiatives which proactively enhance gender equity within the local government workforce.
• Establish or plan to establish equal remuneration for both men and women, for which annual corporate reports reflect commitment and demonstrated improvements and performance.
• Increase levels of engagement in local government corporate decisions for improving gender equity, particularly in light of the National Local Government Workforce Strategy.
• Promote and encourage creative and innovative practices for recognising “excellence and leadership,” particularly in championing increased opportunities within local government.
• Work towards being recognised as an “employer people want to work for.”
• Instigate professional learning and development programs to reflect equity and increased work and job opportunities within local government as an established leader in lifelong learning.”
The motion was put and declared lost 5/7.
19/02/13: TV Recycling Day, Agenda Item 12.1
“That the City of Stirling organise another TV and IT recycling day prior to the Australian Government switching off analog TV signals in Perth on the 16 April 2013 in the interests of the City of Stirling Sustainability Policy.” –
The motion was put and declared lost 4/9.
19/02/13: Request for Local Museums in each City of Stirling Libraries, Agenda Item 12.2
“That a report be submitted to the appropriate Committee to give consideration in the City of Stirling Libraries Future Plan for each City of Stirling Library to include an area for a Local Museum to promote and preserve local issues, local history, local achievements, culture and local heroes.”
The motion was put and declared carried 13/0.
19/02/13: Bulk Waste Verge Collection Process, Agenda Item 12.3
“That a report be presented to the March Infrastructure and Community Development Committee reporting on the effectiveness of Council Resolution 1112/041 which reads as follows: (1) That the Bulk Waste Verge Collections be reduced from four to two, consisting of one Junk and one Greenwaste collection from 2013. (2) That the collection of Mattresses, EWaste and Metals (including White Goods) from the verge occurs as part of the proposed Bulk Waste Collection process and that the recyclables collected is reviewed annually for the purpose of increasing diversion from landfill. (3) That residents of the City be provided with three Waste Disposal Vouchers to allow the disposal of up to one tonne each of Green Waste, Mixed Household Junk and Inert sand, bricks and concrete. (4) From 2014 suburbs not divided by a main road be considered as a whole in the bulk verge collection zones.”
The motion was put and declared lost 3/10.
05/02/13: Volunteer Recognition, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a report be prepared for the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee meeting to be held in February 2013 with regard to a method of acknowledging the volunteers who have been committed to volunteering to the City for more than 10 years duration.”
The motion was put and declared carried 13/0.
05/02/13: City of Stirling Waste Management Sustainability Strategy, Agenda Item 13.3
“As part of the City of Stirling Waste Management Sustainability Strategy, that a report be prepared for the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee meeting on the:- (a) possibility of a partnership with City of Stirling with regard to the recycling of cans, bottles etc in conjunction with the Scouts Association of Western Australia (similar to the South Australian Scout Association union); and (b) possibility of a partnership with Natureworks with regard to recyclable bags etc within the City of Stirling.”
Motion for consideration at the next meeting of Council.
05/02/13: Questions on Notice, Agenda Item 14.1
Re Signs of Bus Stops/Shelters, and Cost of swimming pool centres at Balga and Inglewood.
11/12/12: Development Approval Activity for the area bounded by Bowra and Ewen Street and Scarborough Beach Road, Innaloo, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a report be provided to the Council meeting to be held in February 2013, on the activity of the area bounded by Bowra Avenue, Ewen Street and Scarborough Beach Road with regard to Planning approvals, safety access, electricity poles and compliance to the conditions of approval with regard to the development of the previously owned land in that area.”
The motion was put and declared carried 9/4.
27/11/12: Doubleview Bowling and Recreation Club, Agenda Item 12.1,
“That the Doubleview Sportsman Club be considered in the 2012/2013 mid year budget review as a pilot premises with regard to alternative sustainable/energy usage such as wind and solar.”
The motion was put and declared lost 4/9.
27/11/12: Morris Place Toilets, Agenda Item 12.2
“An updated report be provided on the progress of the erection of the Morris Place Public Toilet in Innaloo as this project has been going on for more than five years and the site works were completed last year. The report is to include:- A comment as to why at the last Council meeting of the 13 November that nearly $800,000 has been allocated for three public toilets as part of Carine open space project and that the Morris place Public toilet has not been included as part of the overall public toilet strategy to make the purchasing more economical.”
The motion was put and declared carried 10/3.
27/11/12: Questions on Notice, Agenda Item 14.1
Re Management of Bus Stop Shelters and Benches, and Annual Revenue from advertising on Bus Stop Shelters and Benches.
30/10/12: No Smoking Signs to be displayed in all Sheltered Bus Stops, Agenda Item 12.2
“That a report be prepared on a proposal to display ‘Non Smoking’ signs in all sheltered bus stops within the City of Stirling.”
The motion was put and declared carried 14/0.
30/10/12: Establishment of a Sea Water Pool at Scarborough Beach, Agenda Item 12.6
“That the City of Stirling meets with the State Government with regard to shared funding for the support of a sea water pool at Scarborough Beach as it would be in line with our strategic directives and is in the interest of encouraging good health and well being.”
The motion was put and declared lost 3/11.
04/09/12: Men’s and Women’s Shed, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a report be prepared and submitted to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee meeting on increasing the men’s shed and women‘s shed program.”
The motion was put and declared carried 14/0.
26/06/12: Questions on Notice, Agenda Item 14.1
Re Dogs wandering, Call outs for City of Stirling Security officers, Collection of verge or abandoned waste, and Fixed road side structures.
13/12/11: Bus Service to Herdsman Business Area, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be presented to Council prior to the Budget deliberations on the success of the bus service to the Herdsman business area that was endorsed by Council on the 5 August 2008. The report to include the number of patrons using the bus per day and per year, the financial implications and if any surveys etc have been carried out to validate the continuation of this service and the expansion of this service etc.”
Motion for consideration at the next meeting of Council.
27/09/11: Concerns with Part 1 Section 4 of the Dividing Fences Act 1961, Agenda Item 12.1
“The City writes to the Building Commission of Western Australia to raise concerns on the matter of part 1 section 4 of the Dividing Fences Act 1961 to not exempt the Crown.”
The motion was put and declared carried (9/3).
30/08/11: Designated day for the collection of Televisions, Agenda Item 12.4
“That the City of Stirling have a designated day for the collection of TV’s at the City of Stirling office in Cedric Street, Stirling to allow for people to drop off TV’s rather than leave them on the verge/landfill in response to the federal governments change in transmission from analogue to digital which will result in many TV’s being made redundant and against our sustainability/recycling agenda.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/0).
02/08/11: Change of method of filling the office of Mayor, Agenda Item 12.4
“(1) The City of Stirling Mayor is to be elected by the residents of the City of Stirling for a trial two election periods, (two years in each election) commencing on the 15 October 2011 and finishing in October 2015. (2) That a report on the Election of the Mayor by the residents of Stirling be prepared and re submitted to Council prior to the 2015 election for review and to ascertain if this process will continue or that Council resumes the election of the Mayor by the Councillors. (3) That a person wishing to nominate for the Mayor position must either be a sitting Councillor, or be elected as a Councillor in that same election period.”
The motion was put and declared lost (5/9).
17/05/11: Local Emergency Management Committee Action Items, Agenda Item 12.2
“(1) That the City of Stirling apply for grant funding of $20,000 from the aware program for review of the City of Stirling Community Emergency Risk Management document. (2) That any requirement(s) for additional funding be considered as part of the 2011-2012 budget process. (3) That the Chief Executive Officer write a letter of thanks to the Stirling SES for hosting the visit to their premises and meting on 9 February 2011. (4) Acknowledgement that the air-conditioning will be installed into the SES building by the City of Stirling.”
The motion lapsed. It was uncertain as to whether the resolutions of LEMC need to be formally considered by the Council or whether LEMC can action the items in its own right.
05/04/11: Installation of Air-conditioning at SES building in Nollamara, Agenda Item 12.2
“That the air conditioning of the SES building in Nollamara be carried out as a matter of urgency and as soon as practicable in the interests of the welfare and safety of our volunteers (OSH factors).”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/0).
22/03/11: Master Plans, Agenda Item 12.2
“That no more master plans be prepared by Council for endorsement until a report is prepared outlining the costs, the timeframe of completion, the works undertaken so far, the community needs, the initial date of Council approval of every master plan endorsed by Council is presented to the April Resource Committee.”
The motion was put and declared carried (6/6).
08/03/11: Bulk Verge Junk Collection, Agenda Item 12.3
“To ensure that the mattresses are collected as part of the verge collection, because they are too big for the average person to take to Balcatta.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/0).
08/03/11: International Women’s Day, Agenda Item 13.2
“That Council be advised at the next Council meeting of the 22 March the activities that the City of Stirling has undertaken to commemorate the significant centenary milestones of International Women’s Day and Nation Council of Women WA in 2011”
Motion for consideration at the next meeting of Council.
08/02/11: Amendment to Elected Members Entitlements Policy, Agenda Item 12.1
“That as part of the review of the Elected Members Entitlements Policy, the provisions relating to gift allocations be clarified.”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/0).
30/11/10: Traffic Management Study, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a traffic management study be conducted as a matter of urgency around the Liege Street and Scarborough Beach Road intersection in Innaloo due to the significant road and safety issues”
The motion was put and declared lost (4/10).
30/11/10: Trees to be planted in remembrance of domestic violence, Agenda Item 12.2
“As part of the City of Stirling, One Million Trees Initiative, that 50 of these trees are planted each week over a year, within the city in remembrance of the 50 people who (on average) each week report a case of domestic violence to the police within the City of Stirling boundaries to raise awareness to this community issue”
The motion was put and declared lost (3/11).
05/08/10: Discount for self funded retirees regarding underground power program, Agenda Item 12.1
“That the Council provide a submission to the appropriate government agency to ask that self-funded retirees be provided with the same discount that pensioners are provided with regard to the Underground Power Program.”
The motion was put and declared lost (6/7).
06/07/10: Review of Buildings, Robinson Reserve and Tuart Hill, Agenda Item 12.2
“That a report be prepared for the next Infrastructure and Community Development Committee on 3 August 2010 with regards to the redevelopment of the buildings associated with Robinson Reserve in Osborne Park and in particular the Osborne Park Agricultural Society”. – The motion lapsed.
20/04/10: Morris Place Redevelopment, Agenda Item 12.1
“That a report on the Morris Place Redevelopment be provided to Council” –
The motion was put and declared carried (11/0).
20/04/10: Merits of establishing Pioneer/Community walls in strategic locations within the city, Agenda Item 12.2
“That Officers investigate and report back to Council on the merits of establishing Pioneer/Community Walls in strategic locations within the City and that this report comment on policy, criterion and management implications should Council wish to proceed.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/0).
06/04/10: Recharging of Electric Cars within the Stirling City Centre Precinct, Agenda Item 12.2
“That a report be provided to Council on an area/outlet to be set aside within the Stirling City Centre Precinct (as this is the centre of Stirling) for the recharging of ‘electric cars’ be provided within the next six months as this is consistent with City of Stirling Sustainability Strategy.”
The motion was put and declared lost (5/7).
16/03/10: Innaloo Bowling Club Funding, Agenda Item 12.3
“That Council consider the payment of the full approved funding for the Innaloo Sportsman’s Club canopy project by bringing forward the $79,500 agreed to be paid in the 2010/2011 financial year as the work will be completed in this financial year and the club will suffer undue financial hardship if they have to wait until the next financial year for the payment to be received.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/2).
15/12/09: Recreation and Community Buildings, Agenda Item 12.2
“That a report be prepared to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee in January 2010 of all the recreation and community buildings within the City of Stirling of: (1) their present condition (infrastructure), (2) their usage (no. of clubs/people). (3) plans, costing and timeline for upgrade/refurbishment”
The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
15/12/09: Monthly reports to House Committee on all Councillors attendance at all committees, Agenda Item 12.3
“(1) That Council approve a quarterly report be provided to the House Committee recording Councillor attendance at those working groups and committees where such information is not currently available to the public. (2). That Council agree that Councillor attendance at those working groups and Committees listed below be included in the report: The Local Emergency Management Committee, Western Australian Local Government – North Metropolitan Zone Committee, North West District Planning Committee, Stirling Alliance Board, City of Stirling Natural Environment Working Group, City of Stirling Crime Prevention Working Group, City of Stirling Road Safety Working Group, Mindarie Regional Council, Tamala Park Regional Council, Grenville Facility Consultative Group, Charles Riley Facility Consultative Group.”
The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
15/12/09: Public Art Contributions, Agenda Item 12.4
“That a report be prepared to the Planning and Development Committee to ensure that items proposed by developers as part of their Public Art Contribution be considered by the House Committee prior to their endorsement by the developer.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/3).
22/09/09: Impact of proposed Fremantle Harbour dredging operations on Western Australian beaches and foreshore, Agenda Item 12.1
“That the City of Stirling write to the Minister for the Environment to confirm that the proposed process and the by product from the proposed dredging of the Fremantle harbour will not impact upon or contribute to any degradation of any beach or foreshore in Western Australia.”
The motion was put and declared carried (10/0).
22/09/09: Collection of stamps, Agenda Item 12.2
“That the Status Quo remain and Council continue the partnership with the Anglican Board of Missions by continuing to provide them with the used stamps.”
The motion was put and declared carried (10/0).
16/12/08: City of Stirling Tree Deaths, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be presented to the Resource Management Committee meeting to be held 27 January 2009 on the following items:- (1) The actual cost (legal and replacement of trees, etc.) that the City of Stirling has had to endure with regard to the replacement of trees in the sumps, etc. that died in 2006. (2) Value and breakdown of any compensation provided to the City of Stirling with regard to tree deaths being received by the City. (3) If any premises within the City of Stirling have been declared by the Department of Environment as ‘contaminated sites’.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/0).
16/12/08: Advertising and Consultants – Precincts Improvement Plan, Agenda Item 13.2
“That a report be prepared for the Planning and Development Committee meeting to be held 10 February 2009 on the criteria and methodology for advertising and use of consultants of Precincts Improvement Plan.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/1).
21/10/08: Electors meetings, Agenda Item 13.1
“That the City of Stirling endorse the Local Government Act Regulation that states 100 electors are required to hold an electors meeting and that this be referred to the appropriate Committee.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/1).
07/10/08: Redesign of Administration Centre, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be presented to the appropriate committee on the exact amount budgeted this year for re-designs of the Administration Centre.” –
The motion was put and declared carried (13/1).
07/10/08: House Committee items, Agenda Item 13.3
“That a report be presented to the appropriate committee on where issues are raised, such as the ‘Desk of the CEO’ and other issues related to Councillors, including media, can be discussed.”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/1).
16/09/08: Trees planted in the City, Agenda Item 13.2
“That a report on where and how many trees have been paid for and planted by the City of Stirling in the last two financial years, not counting those replaced by an external contractor, and include street trees separately be presented to the relevant committee.”
The motion was put and declared carried (10/0).
05/08/08: Legislation regarding brothels, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be provided to the appropriate Committee with regard to the legislation regarding Brothels in the City of Stirling.”
The motion lapsed as the matter was dealt with in item 11.3/CP1.
05/08/08: Outcomes of advertising, Agenda Item 13.3
“That the following notice of motion be referred to the relevant Committee for a report to be prepared: “That when outcomes of advertising are written in the reports for Council, that reference is made to the percentage of submissions both for and against, and those that do not: (1) Live in close proximity to the issue/development (e.g. less than 100 metres) (2) Live in the City of Stirling.”
The motion was put and declared carried (8/3).
17/06/08: Minutes and Agendas, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be provided to the next House Committee on the preparation of the agenda and minutes for Committee and full Council with regard to the use of paper, sustainability and officer time and any other issues.”
The motion was put and declared carried (8/4).
17/06/08: Innaloo Bowling Club, Agenda Item 13.2
“That a report be provided to the next Resource Management Committee providing a comparison of City Of Stirling money allocated to all Bowling Clubs within the City of Stirling over the last ten years and evaluation of the proposal.”
The motion was put and declared carried (10/2).
17/06/08: Football and Soccer Cup, Agenda Item 13.6
“That the following notice of motion be referred to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee for a report to be prepared:- “(1) The City of Stirling organise a City of Stirling Soccer Cup for women and men from players who play in clubs located within the City of Stirling on the same basis as the currently and historically organised Stirling Tennis Cup; Stirling Golf Cup and Stirling Bowling Cup. (2) The City of Stirling organise a City of Stirling Football Cup for women and men from players who play in clubs located within the City of Stirling on the same basis as the currently and historically organised Stirling Tennis Cup; Stirling Golf Cup and Stirling Bowling Cup. (3) The Citywide knock – out competitions be held all on one day at the end of the final of the season and commencing in 2008.”
The motion was put and declared carried (11/1).
06/06/08: Lighting of laneway Scarborough Beach Road, Agenda Item 13.3
“That a report be submitted to the Infrastructure and Community Development Committee on the state of the whole of the laneway at the rear of 369 Scarborough Beach Road to Liege Street and further to address the lighting in the said laneway.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/0).
06/06/08: Footpath in Innaloo, Agenda Item 13.4
“That a footpath from the Ellen Stirling Boulevard/Cedric Street corner in Innaloo to the bus stop – 70 metres to the west along Cedric street be constructed as a matter of urgency.” – The motion was put and declared carried (11/1).
“That financial provision be made in the 2008/2009 budget to extend the footpath from the bus stop to Odin Road in the interest of livable neighbourhood strategies and community safety.” – The motion was put and declared carried (9/3).
06/06/08: Advice of Promotional and Civic Activities within the City, Agenda Item 13.6
“That the following Notice of Motion be referred to the House Committee for a report to be prepared:- (1) That an itemized list of activities / major meetings / functions, that the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer has attended be provided on a weekly basis to Councilors; and (2). That a monthly list of the proposed meetings / functions / activities be presented to the House Committee.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/0).
20/05/08: Naming of park after ‘Alana’, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared for the House Committee on the possibility of naming a park in the Nollamara/Westminster area after ‘Alana’ to raise awareness of domestic violence and plant trees within the City in remembrance of the lives lost to domestic violence.” – A report will be presented to the House Committee.
20/05/08: Letter from the Mayor and sale of Ewen Street site, Agenda Item 13.3
“(1) That Councillors be provided with a copy of the original/first letter sent to the Western Australian Local Government Association and the Department of Local Government and Regional Development by the Mayor with regard to Councillors. (2) That Councillors be provided with a copy of the compliance report in regard to the conditions of sale of the previously owned Ewen Street site in Woodlands.”
The motion was put and declared carried (9/4).
15/04/08: Endorsement of homeowners and bank protection bill petition, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared for presentation to the Resource Management Committee on the appropriateness of the Council endorsing the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia’s petition for the Homeowners and Bank Protection Bill.” – Matter to be dealt with by the Federal Government.
01/04/08: Reinstatement of the House Committee, Agenda Item 13.1
“(1) That the City of Stirling House Committee be reactivated and held at 5pm prior to the full Council meeting on the third Tuesday once a month, or as required. (2) That the Committee comprise of seven members being one councillor from each ward (3) That the House Committee recommences in April 2008.”
The motion was put and declared carried (13/1).
01/04/08: Observation City Proposed Development, Agenda Item 13.2
“That given the recent comments by the Minister for Planning in regard to the Observation City proposed development that an urgent meeting be requested to discuss her views expressed in The West Australian on 25 March 2008 and attended by the Chief Executive Officer, the Mayor, Mr Povey and all Councillors.”
The motion was put and declared carried (12/2).
18/03/08: Local Government Act 1995, Agenda Item 13.2
“That the Local Government Act 1995 be amended to include – that persons nominated as elected members must not have a conviction or a spent conviction in relation to the Criminal Code.” – The motion was put and declared carried (13/1).
18/03/08: Years of Service Recognition, Agenda Item 13.4
“That a report be presented to the Council Meeting to be held 1 April 2008 outlining options for improving the City’s Years of Service Recognition Program (at 5 year intervals of service) including comparisons with other local government’s Years of Service Recognition Programs.” – The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
04/03/08: Delegated Authority for building and development, Agenda Item 13.5
“That the following Notice of Motion be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for a report to be prepared:- That the delegated authority for approval of Buildings and development applications be only authorised for applications under $2 million, otherwise all other applications be referred to the Council.” – The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
08/02/08: Traffic and Accident report around Nookenburra Hotel site, Agenda Item 13.3
“That a traffic and accident report on the area surrounding the new Nookenburra Hotel Site (Spotlight) in Innaloo along Scarborough Beach Road and Ellen Stirling Boulevard be prepared.” – The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
08/02/08: City of Stirling Paperwork to be printed on both sides, Agenda Item 13.4
“That a report be submitted to the Resource Management Committee in relation to the City of Stirling’s paper usage.” – The motion was put and declared carried (14/0).
06/11/07: Number of trees produced from the City of Stirling Nursery, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared on the number of trees that are produced from the City of Stirling Nursery and where each of the trees have actually been distributed over the last two years together with a detailed report on the day to day operations of the nursery and the total operating cost over the last two years.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
02/10/07: Pesticide use in City Sumps, Agenda Item 13.1
“That Councillors be provided on request with the minutes of the meeting between State Government Officers, the City of Stirling and the City of Joondalup with regard to the use of pesticides in the sumps within the City of Stirling, held 6 August 2007.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
07/08/07: Fire Evacuation Procedure, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared outlining the City’s Policy and Procedures in relation to its Fire Evacuation Plan and how these procedures are being briefed to consultants and guest of the City.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
19/06/07: Transfer of funds, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared on the transfer of $2,000,000 from the Infrastructure budget to a City wide building maintenance programme.”
12/12/06: Nookenburra Hotel Advertising, Agenda Item 13.3
“That a report be prepared for Council identifying the issues surrounding advertising of the Nookenburra Hotel/Showrooms including dates and method for public submissions.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
28/11/06: Lighting at Dongara La Grange Reserve at Innaloo, Agenda Item 13.5
“That a report be prepared on the Dongara – La Grange Reserve in Innaloo addressing the community concerns over inadequate lighting and the undesirable element gathering in the park and the possibility of this lighting upgrade being incorporated into the February 2007 budget review as a matter of urgency.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
19/09/06: Sustainability Comment/Proposal, Agenda Item 13.1
“That the item relating to the inclusion of a sustainability comment within reports that are to be presented for Council consideration be referred to the Planning and Development Committee meeting to be held 10 October 2006 to enable further information to be provided to Councillors.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
15/08/06: Boundary Change, Agenda Item 13.1
“That a report be prepared on the financial and staff costs incurred by the City of Stirling associated with the Mount Lawley boundary change.” – The motion was put and declared carried.
21/02/06: Naming of Parks, Reserves and Buildings Policy, Agenda Item 13.1
“That, in line with Council’s Naming of Parks, Reserves, and Buildings Policy, the City invite nominations from the community in respect to possible naming of currently unnamed facilities within the City of Stirling.” – The motion was put and declared carried.